GOOD job Sen. Lankford!!
WE need more people like him to represent us
Is That A Baby video 👇👇👇

TERM LIMITS NOW!!!! They thought they buried us, but they didn’t realize that we were seeds!!
@SenLankford... YES!!! Way to represent THE GREAT STATE OF OKLAHOMA!!

God Bless the USA! Home is wherever patriots are.
Anyone who tries to defend it is mentally insane.

China Makes Human Supersoldiers... And Clinton confirmed that she's a Robot!
Watch this video here:

The answer is YES that is a baby. I worked for an Infertility ctr and saw a heartbeat as early as 4weeks old. Yes its a baby.

Patriot / Health & Freedom Fighter / Holistic Healing/ Spiritual Conservative / Truth Warrior #WWG1WGA #GodWins No DMs Please
This is a man that has not sold his soul.

Sheeple Hunter, TRUTH= scorned wounded Beast but her honour must be defended, 4SHE LEAVES NO ONE BEHIND #WWG1WGA #AllRoad$L€ad2Switzyood

Banned from Twitter Patriots, , Sharing the truth ,,SavetheChildren ,Heal the World,, God will win
Thanks Senator for this moment of thruth and love to all those childrens of the earth who have not had the chance to see the light of day for any reason whatsoever.. The life of a child, of a human being is much more precious than a piece of gold.
All these experiences they have done with those aborted babies are totally immoral and horrible. The law must now be very strict about experiments done on human beings, children or elders. I believe this is the only way these crimes will stop.

so he does one good thing then ten bad. u can have him hes a worthless pos

God is my Father, Jesus is my Saviour, and Trump is my President. #LoveWins #GodFamilyCountry #JustSayNoToSocialism
God bless you Senator.

A work in progress! #Christ Consciousness #SaveOurChildren #WWG1WGAWW
Thank you for sharing this.
