😼 There is only one enemy. A single one.
There is only one Political Party
& it doesn’t matter what country:
Democrat / Republican / Liberal / Conservative, etc.
It’s always the Deep State Demon Party.
Today Germany announced it wants to
Humanity is being herded here & herded there
by the deep state demons who are creating endless wars
to create endless Refugees
for Child Trafficking
& to maintain CONTROL.
The MILLIONS of immigrants pouring into the United States
& by the 10’s of MILLIONS into ALL countries around the world
are the deep state demons creating VOTES & CONTROL.
But now we see it.
We see the single enemy
in Governments, Military, Religions, Corporations, Medicine:
It is the deep state monsters
who are very likely not even human & never were 💥

😻 I'm so ready to SEE deep state demon
heads roll, Sneaks!!!
The Tribunal movies are going to be
such RELIEF & to Anons especially 🐸💥🇺🇸
I was greatly encouraged by
Jan Halper-Hayes CONFIRMING
all the Patriots I listen to
that Tribunals have been ongoing for YEARS
& are being conducted by the Navy.
And that President & CiC Trump can rightly say
"Nothing Can Stop What Is Coming"
because much of it

"Say What You and Mean What You Say" “Chance Favors the Prepared Mind” Conquer Destiny by Being Ready for Anything.
👼💫💥We have such a wonderful group of Patriots leading in the fight and information is the weapon thanks Kat for your help with spreading the info you Rock!!😍💥😻

Diogenes knock off; Ph.D., educator in remission. (rev. 3-17-2023)
She seems an unlikely spox for the forces of good. Huff Post and Psychology Today contributions may lack the gravitas to be the messenger. P.S. Why wouldn't she be banished by Biden's crew as an "annoyance?"