🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
When HRC was at the →9-11-16← event she strips a gear.
They get her into the van & take her back to Chelsea’s.
She’s running for POTUS.
It’s 2 months until the Election
If Hillary was to die
would the Dem Party be able to field a candidate
with less than 2 months that could win against Trump?
So they brought out a woman, we even know her name.
She's had surgery to make her look like HRC.
She's greeting children, selling herself as being fine
when in reality that was an →actress 💥
Biden is being played by 4→actors 🎭
🇺🇸 4-29-23 @ qthestormrider777
The Alliance placed [→fake President] BIDEN
as a senile creepy old man
who would be IMPEACHED & EXPOSE himself
including his own son 💥
🇺🇸 Jan Halper-Hayes
🦅🇺🇸 President Trump, N.C. 9-19-20
👇 Thanks Doq 😻🇺🇸
I remember that day & studied that “arrest or illness” video & when Juan said she stripped a gear, there was a point
In one of those videos where something metal dropped to
The ground & I'm thinking with all the struggling it could have been anything, but possibly she did indeed strip a gear🤣😂
Bush funeral, Hillary 911...🍿...I really am thinking I’m losing it as neither of those events should be watched like a movie, but here I am🎬📽🍿
😹 That is HILARIOUS, Debbie!!! 🤣
HRC dropped some of her machinery?!!! 😂
It's called gallows humor.
The truth is so horrific we gotta find places
where we can laugh & let off steam.
I truly hope QTeam finds many moments
to split their sides laughing
because what they're doing is so stressful
so pressure-cooker
so grim
& yet — when it's finally all done —
it will be MIRACLES unceasing for ALL ❤️🙏🏻🇺🇸🕊
Yes indeed all of this is horrific, it’s like a mind rape on a daily basis & humor in anything is hard to find!
My feelings at the time was like a wizard of Oz moment where it showed the wicked witch was dead, but alas she rose again😜all put back together, yeah, a real laughable moment!
I am just gonna stick to no news is good news & save my sanity🤪
Thank you Kat for all you do on here 😍 & from your lips to God in being victorious 🙏
😽 Thank YOU, fellow Anon 😻❤️❤️❤️🐸🇺🇸