If the truth shall kill them, let them die. Always learning & growing so never the same. Merely a humble student & no master.
I put shoes on three times this week and the longest time was about an hour and a half.
I'm still healing my foot.. may have only put shoes on 3xs this year.
My feet look different. Crazy!
If the truth shall kill them, let them die. Always learning & growing so never the same. Merely a humble student & no master.
I put them on and it hurts my pinky toes and the bottoms of my feet start to get irritated and raw from the socks depressed into my skin! And I wear KEEN shoes notorious for huge open-toe spaces inside the shoes, you can wiggle your toes and the shoes fit.
The thought alone hurts my feet.
I don't think I can fit into my shoes anymore.
KEEN may be the way to go. Better then Merrell?
Is there one better for kinetic energy?
yes, I prefer KEENS over Merrels. They look odd with such big toes but they never feel like they need 'broken in" right out of the box. I converted to them when I still working in construction. I had to wear boots with steel toes 7 days a week almost for 11 years. I learned the thing you NEVER skimp on is SHOES! I'd wear out $20 work jeans all day just fine...but my work boots usually cost at least $200 if cheap. More men should take better care of their feet! My balance as a barefooter is stupendous! I literally grip the ground when I walk as a gecko does with their toes and it strengthened my feet up so much!
If the truth shall kill them, let them die. Always learning & growing so never the same. Merely a humble student & no master.
The difference is measurable and very notable! https://workboots.com/shop-all-work-boots?bid=98&dl=b&catr=true&gad=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw9fqnBhDSARIsAHlcQYTXDr-RTuEcpR7HNt47ie9-pTz8xRcokiElaqJx6xxdEpzLzjmuXT8aAvYwEALw_wcB
Oh, and using them for years, I fully endorse their toughness and ruggedness...they DO last! The waterproof ones actually work and stay water proof for years!