Questioning everything led to my progressive awakening. Still learning daily. A new me, The Real Me is emerging. Strange, but I like her.
I've been guilty of calling the left sheep and sheeple, but it feels wrong. Jesus had compassion for the sheep without a shepherd and taught and lead them and gave those who followed him everlasting life. Many of what we would call sheep are following the wrong shepherd, or none at all.
Also, I am reminded of the rainbow and how God's promise was purposefully overshadowed by the lgb+++ thing. Is calling people sheep scaring them away from following the Good Shepard?
Words matter.
Never liked the sheep label or the pureblood one. Even if people didn't take vax pretty sure we have all been fked with or poisoned in other ways. We were all hypnotized at some point too. I see these people as under a spell as opposed to mindlessly following. No one above another, compassion as you say and hope these people can break free.
💯. WWG1WGA and unite is not just about us, it truly is everyone.