Now I've visited the website behind the "Badger, Badger" song, and I no longer want to chalk anything up to cognitive bias. There's an advent calendar from 2022 that includes…
A video called "Harvest" with a church scene in which the congregation is singing:
"We have harvested the milk of the monster, everyone must drink"
And "Potats" shows a bunch of baby potatoes on an island, some playing, some sleeping; with Santa as a circling shark. What appears as a normal island is really built atop some giant green monster. In the end, a baby potato dies and a roasted chicken appears in the sky
"MUMPFAH" features an adult man whose head is a mince pie. He's instructed not to talk, just make a fun noise. In the end, he's killed by a tiger while the narrator sings:
"Is he alive, or is he dead? I'm off to grow some meatballs in my shed."