It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥
Bohemian Grove
Nothing is a coincidence ...again a twisted history
Bohemia (Czech)
The Bohemian Genealogist
Unfortunately, this video is repeatedly corrupted here on AU so that it cannot be played. I have inserted it several times and always the same process.
And it's not the first time this has happened at AU. So the question is, who can interfere with posts here and "edit" other people's accounts to suit "someone's" needs?
It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥
Václav Klaus and his really named is Karl F. Koecher (agent CIA)?
1) his wife calls him Karl (I personally heard how this is how she talked about him, several times)
2) he was nicknamed "Kikina"
3) the fact that his name is Karl, nickname Kikina, was confirmed by the boss of taxi drivers in 1996, who driver him several times during the totalitarian regime to the gay club in Prague, the so-called Pinocchio (a short distance from the Main Railway Station). This taxi driver continued to work with the same people, so three more people confirmed this to me.
4) in 2002, a guy who worked as a prostitute in the Pinocchio club told me about it, that he knew Klaus personally
The world is small and there are no coincidences.
Konspirační teorie, že Václav Klaus a agent Karel Körcher jsou jedna osoba | Stream
Nápadná podobnost Václava Klause a agenta s temnou minulostí Karla Körchera je víc než zarážející. Další podivnou skutečností je fakt, že oba pracovali v Prognostickém ústavu. Jak to tedy skutečně je? Dnešní slavnou konspirační teorii odhaluje Matěj Ruppert.