From a friend:
I've only freeze dried yogurt & shredded cheeses so far. The cheese comes out great as a healthy crunchy snack and can be rehydrated for other uses. The yogurt was fun to rehydrate and tasted the same as fresh. If properly stored will last for 25 years and retain flavor & 97% nutrition. https://affiliates.harvestright.com/835.html
Harvest Right Freeze Dryers - Buy a home freeze dryer
Freeze dry food with a Harvest Right freeze dryer. Freeze dried food is the best emergency food storage. Purchase a freeze dryer to preserve your food today.
We have freeze dried tomatoes. Great for soups/chili/or a great dried snack. Grapes are awesome! We eat them dried and I’ve been told they are better than candy! We have spaghetti with meat sauce and chicken Alfredo. We fix a big batch, eat as a meal and freeze dry what’s left. We’ve done blackberries and pears as well. We also made dill cucumber and onions. Just soak your cucumbers and onions in vinegar and water at least overnight in the fridge then sprinkle with salt and dill weed before freeze drying! Yum! We’ve only had ours for a short period of time but we keep it running!
Love it!! Love that we can keep the fruits and vegetables with no preservatives!!