Happy with Life...Faith in Our Lord God...Love being outside...Enjoy
While he was killing our Military - while he was taking God out of our Lives - While he was taking free speech away from us - While he was taking money from Social Security - While he was putting our Children in cages - The list is so long - He was a Foreign Student Born in Kenya whose Grandmother farmed him out for sex - Who went to Church for 20 years & didn't know the Church HATED America.

I am a Information Treasure Hunter. I was sent to earth to teach Love and Kindness
Satan is the biggest trickery on earth.
Poor girls! Their family sold them!
They too should be arrested.
These children didn't have a chance, and were used as pawns!
This was the President of The United States!!!!
Makes sense in the US, not in the USA!

Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
That is why I despise our main stream media! Cowards, most of them.
They have done more to allow our country's citizens to be led by people who despise them and to be shaped by them into spineless, gutless, moronic drones, when that should NOT have been the case! Throw in the idiots running the school asylums of non-learning!
It is not that these things were not exposed. They were! But the exposures were not believed... UNTIL NOW!
"I'll take $2000 MSM for Treason, Alex!" (Jeopardy! May Alex T., rest in peace... but it would have been one heck of a show!)