😻 Enclose my partial transcript & blog
of Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes’ 8-23-23 interview with Charlie Ward.
Jan gives further VERIFICATON for Anons
that EVERYTHING we’ve posted is TRUE 👊🐸
🇬🇧 Charlie
57:19 NESARA / GESARA is happening in front of our very eyes.
There’s a very interesting point in law
that when the fiat currency disappears,
when the banks go down
you can’t transfer that debt across onto the QFS
or the BRICS system
because that debt is part of the old system..
We’ve already seen in Ireland
where a bank went bankrupt..
the receivers didn’t go out looking for money.
& that’s what will happen.
I don’t like to use the term “debt forgiveness”
because it was theft in the first place
& taxes was theft in the first place 🙏🏻❤️🕊
Graphic Artist & Illustrator - Authorized Minister - US Navy Wife - Former Instructor - US NAVY TAP - CEO - Proud Patriot - #Arkansas
Back in the day on MarkZ was "Friday's With Mr. C" (Some will remember Mr. C)
He always stated that when fiat collapses, balance sheets ZERO. He also said "Banks will try to get you to reassign your debt under new agreements but DON'T YOU DARE do it!
I wonder how many Normies will?
Also, was Charlie clear on what happens to restore the savings accounts people have when this happens? That's one major answer that's missing.
He didn't address that exact point, Mama Tee.
But what I've understood all these years
& I read NESARA in 2005
[yeah, baby! 👊]
been MIRRORED into the QFS
that has been up & running alongside SWIFT
for at least 1-year possibly longer.
The MAJOR point, imo, was when Jan said this
because it echoes what Charlie has been saying all along.
QTeam are WEEDING OUT minions.
Executing the Heads of Bloodlines is easy.
I mean there is QE2.
It's the low level guys that are
the spanners in the GRC works 💥
🇺🇸 Dr. Jan Halper-Hayes
When you’re trying to change a system
you have to weed out
who’s trying to sabotage it
while you’re also trying
to put the new things in
which you’ve discussed often with
That's the other part.
Just as much as we’re waiting
they’re initiating certain things
because they want to see who will counter it
so that they can get rid of them
or see if they can bring them in to it 💥
Graphic Artist & Illustrator - Authorized Minister - US Navy Wife - Former Instructor - US NAVY TAP - CEO - Proud Patriot - #Arkansas
It is my belief that the common, innocent individual will have their life's savings flipped to precious metals and will be fine. This is also what Mr. C stated often. God is in control and He provides all I need.
Deplorable Patriot and Follower of Yeshua Hamashiach. The Lion of Judah. Precious Child of the Most High, still a little Ferrell
What about the people who don't have a life savings and who have lived paycheck to paycheck because it was all stolen by cabal. Not everyone has a six figure income or even mid 5 figure. Been getting bent over raped year after year just for working and trying to support their families.
Your stolen money will be refunded.