Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.

As we march forward from this time on ;
Have a plan A,B,C etcetera.
-Plan A You are home and there is an alert to stay put. Do you have a battery operated radio? Did you tell your children what to do?
-Plan B You are away from home and need to get back. Do you have an idea on how to reach loved ones? Do you have an alternate route home if there are roadblocks?
-Plan C You are away from home and have to temporarily shelter in place, do you have access to water, food, communications?
It is easy to feel complacent since we all have been on higher alert and in survival mode for a long time. That is a killer when it comes to real emergencies because we may have let our guard down.
Your family members especially children and elderly will be frightened.
Talk with them in as calm of a voice you can muster. If they see your fear, imagine what they will feel.
We have prepared, we are ready and now is the time to have your plan in place...

Thank you Charlie - good reminder - PLAN

Water & Food, Cash, protection, contacts ...
ham radio - KNOW how to work it & how do you know who you are contacting?
I'd better get practicing ... don't want to lead the idiots to my door.

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Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.

"One who fails to practice, practices to fail".
I know you got this Laurel, you are a brave, smart woman.

Thanks, love you so much - I will get busy and take on the task ... learning is exciting, but demands effort.
God Bless all of these great patriots ... everyone is trying to be their best. So Thankful!

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