Popular sweetener causes anxiety by changing brain structure
Scientists have found that the popular sugar substitute aspartame changes the structure of the brain, setting it up for mental disorders such as anxiety. What's more, these changes persist for up to 2 subsequent generations.
Aspartame is 200 times sweeter than regular sugar and is often used in sugar-free sodas and gummies.
General Patton
Aspartame IS One Molecule Away From Formaldehyde.
When Aspartame Gets TO
A Certain Temperature,
Maybe left in the vehicle,
Added TO hot ingredients
Aspartame Will transform into formaldehyde.
SO Basically IF
You Ingest Aspartame
Embalming Yourself.
Thousands Of Processed Products Have Aspartame...
Even The Little "Tic Tac" Processed Products.
My Solution For
ALL Processed Products...
"Leave It On The Shelf".
I Don't Even Go Down
Those Processed Product
"Grocery" Aisles.
Aspartame Goes By MANY
Names, JUST Like The Evildoers Who Go By
Many Names.
EVEN Under The FDA "GRAS"...
"Generally Recognized As Safe"...
it's called
"Natural Flavors". 🤮☹️👎
Evildoers Do EVIL.
THE VERY Evildoers
Trump, Patriot Warriors
ARE Destroying Manufacturer Those Processed Products With Aspartame ON Purpose.
Evildoers WANT You
To Ingest Terrible Chemicals Because They Want You
With Illnesses. They Know What They Are Doing.
They Created The Crap!
Just Wanted To Share...