We should cut back on pre-shredded cheese and Make America 'Grate' Again.
What do you normally do on Sundays?

In response Mocheezeplz ... to his Publication
Love the Sunday convo, MC! Great idea. Sundays are for fun. Today’s fun? Watching the Bizzarro weather rolling through the desert from Hilary. lol Quite a show for us desert dwellers. Have a great time with Mom and cherish it.
Ur not affected by it are you??
She's making noms as we speak lol

In response Mocheezeplz ... to his Publication
Flash flooding, but we’re on top of the mountain, so no harm unless we be crazy enough to take a drive. Lol. Wind is getting very strong, so we’ll hope for no tree damage.
Mom will always be Mom! lol ❤️