This message deals with information partially been covered before about the betrayal against Galactic Federation by the negative beings Pidkozox and Oppisheklio (Enlil and Enki) which lead to the great deception on Earth.
Ashtar and Oppisheklio are sons of a Nebulac father and a Sirian mother. They weren't created ‘in Elohim’ as other Sirians, Pleiadians, Arcturians etc. They were born after Galactic Federation discovered Earth.
Ashtar became famous on Sirius for his wisdom and light and this is how he rose to become their leader in Galactic Federation.
Oppisheklio was always jealous of his brother Ashtar and conspired with his father to betray the light forces and deceive the inhabitants of Pleiadians' favorite planet, Earth.
Pidkozox and Oppisheklio brought their Nebulac extended family to Earth and these were the anunnaki, and primary pantheon of mythological gods from every major culture.