Illuminati & child trafficking
Book Blogging Day 11. Famous Rotarians.
After yesterday’s post, we know that the Order of the White Rose is connected to the Rotary Club, which is a Masonic group. This post lists some famous members of the Rotary Club.#veronicaswiftblog
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I studied on a Rotary Scholarship and so did several of my friends. At no time was I introduced to esoteric teachings and they never mentioned that as part of their experience, so this is news to me. The one thing I can say is that there is differences between countries: in America, a lot of Rotary exchange students are in rural areas and middle class families, whereas American students are put into wealthier families abroad. The exchange program is on my list of one of the best things I have done. The first year I applied I was not prepared, the interview is very challenging, and I was not accepted. I went back the next year after I understood what was expected and practiced by joining a History Bowl team that competed, and I then I did very well and had my pick of placements.