Prisoner TezdogH Truth Dawwg
TDS much? We don't want trolls here, thank you now Bye!
I was a Trump supporter made many video's! I was Q follower and shared much over the years! You never ever did any real research! Start doing this! Trump is the Snake! You are all that brainwashed, you can't see anything anymore! No Justice will come because they all work together. Maybe fake Biden and Hunter will be taken out to make it even more believable Trump is good! Trump is the Biggest Murderer Psychopath the world has ever known! With the MIC, The Zionists, [Chabad Mafia] The Knights templar Jesuits, Freemasons. They are behind every agenda! Let that sink in!! Wake The F*ck Up! Btw and i am NOT trolling you are The troll trolling me! never ever give us any evidence/Facts/proofs. I gave you a wealth of/on information! You are just as sad as the CV, Vax and Demonrats sheeple! Parrots! DONKEY'S! Cognitive dissonance!! That's the VIRUS! Your BRAINWASHED as Hell! Snap out of it before its to late!! Wake The F*Ck UP!
What we have been taught or conditioned to believe is "progress" is actually the resurgence of an ancient satanic pagan fertility cult, epitomized by the Kabbalah.
The "god" of the Kabbalah is not god at all. It is Lucifer. Freemasonry is based on the Kabbalah. Illuminati Jews and their Freemasonic allies are stealthily erecting a New World Order dedicated to Lucifer. Trump is a Freemason 33rd degree Scottish Rights and Jesuit educated. Ordo Ab Chao is Trumps Crest at his International Golf Links/ Scotland. You know what that means. He also had a Talmud teacher & linked with Kabbalah Masonic Zionism. Esoteric knowledge and black magic. Master of deception to take us from Evil (Dark) to Bad(Light) or the false light.