A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
The 8/8 portal is how divine beings receive the codes and the divine resources, entrusted to them, for their 'individual' human journey for the year ahead.
It's important for this collective and individual ascension that you 'go through this portal alone'. In solitude with Self and Spirit. Detach yourself from the outside world. Get rid of any stories you have around certain places, jobs, relationships etc. And allow Spirit to take you where you need to go and trust that if you're meant to continue, reunite or converge again...that it will happen.
It's important to be in hermit energy. To take the fullness of the light you've cleared and recovered and to make sure you're allowing 'your own light' to guide you to your wheel of fortune.
continued in comments....
"Philosophers say that Fortune is insane and blind and stupid,
and they teach that she stands on a rolling, spherical rock:
they affirm that, wherever chance pushes that rock, Fortuna falls in that direction.
They repeat that she is blind for this reason: that she does not see where she's heading;
they say she's insane, because she is cruel, flaky and unstable;
stupid, because she can't distinguish between the worthy and the unworthy.
— Pacuvius, Scaenicae Romanorum Poesis Fragmenta. Vol. 1, ed. O. Ribbeck, 1897"...