Does anybody know how to naturally help with kidney stones? Got a friend that suffering right now.....I'm going to get and bring to my home.

Lemons Prevent & Fight Kidney Stones! Dr. Mandell - YouTube

Always looking to be a blessing ;)
Thank you, Patroitgirl😉

I can help. I am 10 year apprentice in Naturopathi/Homepathy treatment.
1. The cause of kidney stones is a calcium deficiency. I can explain how if you like but to stop the formation of these stones the calcium deficiency needs met. Look for these ingredients pictured here and be sure it is plant derived and not synthetic. You can dm me your address and I will ship you some if you need or can not find these ratios of ingredients.
NOTE: if in severe pain or passing a stone now go for laser treatment to disintegrate the stone. NO surgery.
2. For symptoms & to dilate the urethra and clear stones try Boiron Homeopathy belladona, berberis vulgaris, calc carb, cantharis, lycopodium
These each play a part in dilating or clearing the left or right kidney, etc. You can search the name with kidney stone and see how it helps.
You can order from Boiron's website or amazon if needed immediately. Sometimes Sprouts Grocery or Whole Foods will carry these.
3. Lots of water
4. see co

4. The most popular essential oils for kidney stones include wintergreen, peppermint, helichrysum, lemon, frankincense, yarrow, and fennel. These oils are the most recommended for helping people successfully improve the symptoms of painful kidney stones.
Again quality is imperative. If you need help with this let me know.
Apply to over the kidney.

I have no firsthand knowledge, but am sharing a couple of things I found from a health site I follow on Telegram.