Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts
It was painful to watch Mike Lindell get the rug pulled out from under him.
Mr. Deeds, what is your response to the claims regarding continuity of government, Law of War Manual, and Trump's EO's and PEAD's made by Derek Johnson, Rattletrap1776?
Thank you.
Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts
Trump never conceded. We watched votes be taken from trump live on election night, biden did not win.
I've seen that document previously. It did not convince me that Joe won or that there wasn't significant voter fraud.
Perhaps we need to define what 'foreign' means?
Trump didn't loose those lawsuits. Most were dismissed by lack of standing without the chance to present evidence. We'll see if he will get the chance to present his evidence as a defense against his latest indictment.
(It feels like another year of hopium set up. The courts will drag it out past the election then dump it just like Mueller and Durham.)
Again; Rattletrap1776, all the anomalies of the inaguration... ?