Not Tom. Tom just reminds me of better times when MySpace was first started free from Deep State.
We are not verifying accounts please don't send requests yet. We will let you know when we have a process in place. Use discernment in choosing who is real or not. I see like 3 Sidney Powell's here.
Since this is a new space Ifollow everyone who follows me n if I see somebullshit from anyone, unfollow. N tbh verification in a time with so much fraud really doesn't do much for me but I have also already beengangstalked the hell out of so, as far as I amconcerned someone is always watching n always listening, n I got nothin but good shit to say so listen all u want u might ACTUALLYlearnsomething has become my attitude. N trust me after being gangstalked for 2.5 yrs u either have to stop caring n get smart or stop using any sort of technology whatsoever, n if I am doing that its off the grid