India’s Home Ministry informed the parliament last week that over 1 million adult women and more than 250,000 underage girls went missing across the country between 2019 and 2021,
'Shocking' number of missing women and girls in India revealed — RT India
The statistics were presented amid heated debates over women’s safety in conflict-torn Manipur and across the country
Something horrible about India and the way it treats its women.
Don't merely rape the woman AND her boyfriend. Rape her with parts off the bus. I remember one story, a good 10 years ago or so.
What is WRONG with this CULTURE. Many rich Indians in the states, partying. At the end of the day? Robber baron money sustained from a culture that hates women.
The monied give no damns, no licks, no fracks. And what else is new...
You really still believe what you saw and heard in the media? I was born in India. I lived here all my life, except for the 10 years that I spent in the United States. For a long time, I believed the media too, although the truth I saw in front of my very eyes was different. When I went to the US, I saw that it was the women in the west who were dehumanized and degraded, and stripped of their natural gifts and privileges, in the name of being liberal. I later discovered how spreading distorted and damaging atrocity literature about our country (among many others) was a small part of a BIG, very well funded plan. Time for everyone wake up! After all, WWG1WGAWW, right?