Walker Fast, my two and one half cents opinion is this: Just the simple fact that the subject of Human Trafficking has been given Historical Notice by the Movie Sound of Freedom with Jim C. and Tim Balllard spear heading it....that, in itself, is a Massive Miracle! For the first time we are finally bringing this Dark Practice of human trafficking to Public Awareness! Debating whether dark "Jesuit/santanic psyop agents" have taken control of this explosive exposure is really divisive noise since The Revealing IS TAKING PLACE RIGHT NOW! No reversal to this Clarity. No Covering it up EVER AGAIN! This exposure IS butterflying into the Mass Conciousness NOW! Guess what happens next? Exposure....Justice for Crimes Against Humanity! NCSWC!!!!! Nothing Can Stop What's Coming!
Watch these guys do a deep dive into this...https://www.bitchute.com/video/v2Z6cM7ybZSP/
We did a deep dive into who was backing and funding this dubious movie, it was far worse than I imagined... www.riseabove.tv WE BROADCAST LIVE EVERY FRIDAY ON YOUTUBE https://www.youtube.com/channel/UChiXn6_Xo4YQl5UNL8WvYxA MORE EDITED CONTEā¦