I felt [them]
And [they] miserably failed
A restless ordinary patriot who is tired of Wash DC and is here to fight for Pres. Trump, com hell or high water, and support "The Plan"!
This morning was crazy. I was dreaming that a large serpent was controlling humans and using them to gather other humans for a ritual of some sort. I and a few others were trying to stop it. I woke up due to a storm passing through. I had an eerie felling so a prayed the Lord’s Prayer and then I prayed with the authority of Christ to demand any presence of evil to leave. While I was praying, I felt tremendous chiles all over as if something was leaving or passing through. Then right after I finished the prayer my laptop turns on😳 Weird morning!
Mama, Wifey, Duo Business Owner and God -loving kinda Gal. Don't follow me, I'm just like you!
This is truth. Many of us feel it. They don't get to win. We are holding the line
I felt like something was throwing obstacles and people were acting apathetic to serious problems. Heck, I felt apathetic a bit. I told my assistant that I was still going to be positive and "they" aren't going to get me down. I thought something was in retrograde. 😕
I've been feeling and experiencing this lately too...the demons have been particularly crabby lately. Full Armor on! 🙏🤍