Until the Twit Purge of '21 General Flynn was interested in the Messages I was putting out there, In THEIR words "The Time Is Now"
....Coming back to Pizzagate. Comet Ping Pong, supposedly "family-friendly" pizza restaurant, is owned by James Alefantis, who is the ex-lover of David Brock (founder of Correct the Record and Media Matters). Keep the "family-friendly" part in mind because if you look into what James Alefantis posted on his public Instagram account (archived here and here as he has since removed a lot of it), as well as the artwork that was inside the restaurant and used for the promotion of their restaurant and music performers, they are not what a family-friendly business would want to be associated with. One image on Instagram posted by James Alefantis is actually pornographic (close up shot of sexual penetration), and I didn't want to embed it here. An anonymous user (who was also a former Bernie supporter) created the DC Pizzagate website to give a play-by-play of the findings of the online grassroots Pizzagate investigation....
Save The Children - Worldwide Child Sex Trafficking, Pedogate & Pizzagate
Worlwide child sex trafficking involving the rape, torture and murder of children is a much much bigger issue than most people realize. Once you understand how deep it goes and that the people and organizations we were taught to trust the most are actually involved, it will sicken you to your core.
https://www.techstartupmom.com/save-the-children.htmlMarc Dutroux was The Butcher. He has gone on record (I believe his conviction) that he was their butcher. He worked at the hunting parties and for these vile humans.