It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥
😳😳😳😳 Things are happening ⁉️🤣🤣🤣
Ant sex paralyzes the Internet
Zwickau (Saxony) - Short circuit in the cable box because a few ants have spring fever! In a small settlement near Waldenburg (district of Zwickau), the telephone and internet keep failing because of the sex insects.
Especially in the Altweinholzchen district of Waldenburg, young ant colonies regularly cause chaos, like these
"Chemnitzer Morgenpost" now reported.
The reason: The mating season for ants begins in the spring. After sex, they then look for new nests to found new colonies. Preferred in narrow, dark caves. A distribution box from Telekom is ideal...
❗️ For those who don't read between the lines or don't get it - the arrests of paedophiles in Germany continue. ❗️
It's still me, following my heart 🙂❤️ and something else 👉 💥
A fire-gushing robot
Do you know why travel agencies keep sending tourists to burning areas in Greece? So that travel agencies can make an excuse for a natural disaster/higher power, because if people didn't fly to their holiday destinations, it could be considered the travel agency's fault.
In this way, money for an unfulfilled vacation is practically unenforceable. Travel clerk dispatched the tourists and (back in a flash) flew them home and is therefore not responsible for the fact that the hotels in the holiday destinations did not fulfill their part of the agreement (accommodation).
Dear friends, you see live, how is tunneling the wallets of ordinary people. The scam of the century.
Travel agencies, hotels and airlines line their pockets, and no one is financially responsible for people paying for vacations that didn't take place and stolen payments are unenforceable..
Just a natural disaster - no insurance covers that.
It will be the same with Italy (Sicily).
Zprávy od umělé inteligence.👀
Nemůžu 😂😂😂😂
Jak dělají Češi ostudu v Chorvatsku. Tohle je úplně to nejhorší, co dokážou | Stream
Češi nejezdí do zahraničí proto, aby poznali cizí a nová místa. Jezdí tam proto, aby se tam cítili jako doma. Takže pantofle, řízky a pivsony s sebou a v pět ráno ručníkový nálet na lehátka! Znáte ten pocit, když jste za hranicemi a potkáte Čechy? Taky děláte, že vy Češi nejste?