🕯 MJTruth
Jim Caviezel posts another +++
+++ in the Q posts are in reference to the House of Saud
@ candlesinthenight
🎥 July 20, 223
with fewer screens but a higher per-screen average 👊🇺🇸🕊🐸

I can't quite make it out, Every.
Are you saying those are ADRENO powder ads
[didn't know that even existed]
& written for "c h i d l r e n"?! 🤮

larger image
ADRENOCHROME (FROM TORTURED CHILDREN) but spelled chidlren as the internet follows correct spelling but customers know how to find it
Donald Trump posted, Oct 8, 2012
"Got to do something about these missing C H I D L R E N -chidlren
Spelling error on purpose
Under Trump's post:
then the adrenochrome is listed
chidlren - purity 99%
and so on down to
chidlren - human
and finally
chidlren shoes
Then the 'framing' to the right side
where the adrenochrome is offered
Nice quality and Safe delivery
Focuses on US market
Factory Price High Purity Raw
All 1 kilogram
and some 'verified' all with "contact supplier"
And the 'framing' on the bottom left
Three offerings - more of the same
Donald J. Trump @!realDonaldTrump
"Got to do something about these missing **chidlren.** grabbed by the perverts. Too many incidents -- fast trial, death penalty.
(INDEED! POSTED OCT 8, 2012 and no wonder why they hate him!

Thank you so much, Every, for that explanation.
I never understood DJT's 'mis'spelling—chidlren.
Pray every single monster is sent to
No more harm
No more tears
No more sorrows
No more agony — WE ARE DONE!!!! 🕊🙏🏻🌹🇺🇸

DJT also calls children "diamonds"
And yes, I cannot wait until my heart is no longer heavy with sorrow and we no longer have to be sad for the children

At night all cats are black. Prowling around to bring you interesting items! Use Discernment At All Times! Happiness Is Strength!

🙏🏻 Ty Silver Cat for that verification.
When my best Anon friend told me that
20-years ago
I REFUSED to believe him.
It was too horrible for me to imagine back then.
Before I learned everything we now know 😔
Kat, I know you think that some of the truth has to remain buried, but somehow, it doesn't feel right to suppress any truth after we have tried so hard to uncover it.
By the way, my boss, who was a physicist, told me he knew how to make diamonds.
He said it was an easy process, but he never utilized that knowledge.
Carbon under pressure for thousands of years results in diamonds, so all that needs too be done is to put carbon (organic material) under extreme and you get diamonds.
That is, of course, the simple version of how it's done, but that's all I understand.
Also, without even knowing about the Cabal Satanists, a study of history does illustrate how the world has been evil for thousands of years.
And a study of the Bible and of God will help a lot!
Just call me an irrepressible optimist

I don't believe in buying the truth at all!!!
Far from it.
I know QTeam "Has it all."
BUT it doesn't have to be paraded on the internet.
It doesn't have to be in our faces.
The entire horrendous saga & list of crimes
should be available to those who need
or want to know &/or study.
Are you kidding me?
After this MK UTLRA matrix of lies?
Let it all rip!!!
The TRUTH shall set us free.
Just not in my face.
So I go along with the idea of "private"
vs blaring it everywhere.
The images. Lord. The ones I've already seen
are more than enough for me 💔
What we already know is horrendous.
But the TRUTH needs to be available.
I agree 💯🙏😻

Yean, I'm too militant about it!
But my family won't be able to handle
it all at once.
So, I like the thoughtful way
you have laid it out.
I misunderstood.
Anyway, the gentile approach is
likely the best -
a spoonful, not a bushel, at a time.
But also- available to al if and
when they want to see.
One of Jesus' parables - perhaps applies
"So the last will be first, and the first will be last.”
— Matthew 20:1–16, New Revised Standard Version -
I thought of, say, digital soldiers, etc who may be the first, but the normies who eventually wake up will also be rewarded.