GRACE GEMS Newsletter (email subscribe- July 22 2023 (True Sabbath 7th day, Saturday, 4th day of 5th month -Ab/Av-Israel Hebrew True date/ac. Holy Bible)- (NOT Fraud term "Jewish".."Jews" -synagogue of satan-term invented 1800s..not same as Judeans or Judahites are NOT Hebrews/Israelites..Caucasians of European descent are the True Israelites..they know not their identity as written in Bible..)
"The oftener and the more diligently you peruse the Scriptures--the more beautiful will they appear, and the less relish will you have for light and superficial reading. There is, in an intimate acquaintance, and in a daily meditation on the Scriptures--something sanctifying, something ennobling! A satisfaction is felt in perusing them, which no human composition can excite.
You feel as if you were conversing with God.
You breathe a heavenly atmosphere.
The soul is bathed in celestial waters.
It imbibes a sweetness and a composure which shed over it unearthly