An Injustice Anywhere = Injustice Everywhere. Vegan, Respect & Protect ALL Innocent Beings. Spiritual, NOT Religious #TheGreatAwakening
I've only ever been to a star Bucks once and that was to meet someone
Starbucks is Secretly a Massive Bank
Starbucks is Secretly a Massive Bank
Starbucks is known for their coffee but many don't know about their secretive finance operations. In a clever scheme, the company uses the deposits of customer rewards card as a massive interest free ...
https://odysee.com/@Coldfusion:f/starbucks-is-secretly-a-massive-bank:balways suspected star bucks was a front for something; there's literally a star bucks on every block in some parts of toronto
The ONLY thing on my bucket list is to meet + HUG all involved in #THEGREATAWAKENING (Q know who Q are). God bless every one. Exodus 8
Along with Timmies/Wendys, McGross A&W, Boston Pizza and every other *fast food* poison centre. Geez🤢. The SMALL community I frequent is full of fast food and retail chains. Our local politishuns sold us out. Have lived here 24 years and they’ve used our tax dollars to steal cheat and destroy this beautiful farm country.
It was a quaint community, now a traffic fastfood hell hole.
i don't live in TO, just visit family occasionally,
but i think, as w/ McD's, if these places are guilty of trafficking children, etc, after seizure of assets, all these fast food places ought to be torn down and fruit trees and gardens put in its place
throughout the country, as a community offering.