🇺🇸 SGAnon
Everyone NEEDS to see “Sound of Freedom”.
Full Stop, Point Blank.
—> The film needs to be viewed.
It is a sledgehammer of Awakening
against the MKULTRA programming
that surrounds the crime of Hum. trafficking.
👇 Also worth review
🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
"Gaddafi had about $350 billion dollars-worth of gold..
He wanted to create a gold-backed currency in Africa..
So it was just a matter of time for Gaddafi
who was captured & killed..
Allegedly, Gaddafi’s gold was laundered through
American Barrick Gold Mining Ops in Haiti
where Hillary’s brother was on the Board.
Haiti is also where Child Trafficking is taking place
on a massive scale."
💥HAITI💥 Tim Ballard’s sequel to SOUND OF FREEDOM
2 Slave bazaars are in Libya & Haiti
Why are the children in Haiti in high demand?
How are they smuggled out?
👇 QTSR/Haiti

This is an interesting take on Sound of Freedom--From Amazing Polly
☀️☀️☀️ Honesty is the first chapter in the book of wisdom THOMAS JEFFERSON 🇩🇪 🇺🇸 🌍 .......Back on TWITTER as @AgnesdeBerlimon 🧚
Official they transport Fruits

Problem: child trafficking
solution: microchipping children
Of course, this is so the traffickers can track their "goods" but I bet normies will be all too willing to fall for this, too..look at the vaccines..smh

Get rid of all the demons
& create a world where children, animals, Earth,
can live in Peace & NO HARM 🙏🏻❤️🌸

Descendant of Martha Washington & Gen Custer's sister. Comm Artist. Happily Married 44 years!! America, Bless God!!!
How in the wurld did Ballard pull off "adopting" children thru a sting op??? That don't make sense......unless he is really "Special"...

He said he purchased them in a sting.

Wouldn't that be evidence?