🇺🇸 5-23 Gene Decode
There’s a host of DEWs — from the regular particle beam,
like an energy wave, a microwave,
which they used to create the Earthquake in Turkey.
US Space Force has a DEW of the Torsion field
that can twist a ship in space like a pretzel & tear it apart.
They found a weapon in the D.U.M.B. in Bakhmut
that was storing “Male Energy” for millions of years
& it charges all weapons
& makes people go insane & kill each other.
The got that discharged in the Van Allan belt
where everybody got aggressive for a while.
This weapon is now discharged
& that energy has gone into the Earth
& Earth is moderating it through all the plants.
The animals have grounded it into the Earth as well.
There’s DEWs that can open Portals to parallels.
A lot of the Alpha-Draco can avoid a nuclear blast
by going inter-dimensional
& going forward in time or backward in time
to avoid the timing of the blast đź’Ą