🇺🇸 7-11-21 Juan O Savin
When we hear about “Agenda 21”
people think of the 21st century.
But that’s not what Agenda 21 refers to behind-the-scenes.
Agenda 21 is the 21 choke points that you must control
in order to have GLOBAL DOMINATION.
A NWO & it takes A.I.’s to do that.
🎥 AGENDA 21 [The DS Agenda]
Agenda 21 is about CONTROL:
Over land, natural resources & entire populations.
1 Move citizens off private land & into cities
2 Create vast wilderness inhabited by large carnivores
3 Eliminate cars & create walkable [15-minute] cities
4 Support chosen private businesses with public funds
5 Make policy decisions that favor “the greater good”
over individuals
6 Drastically reduce the use of power, water
& anything else that creates carbon ‘pollution’
7 Use bureaucracies [globalists] to make decisions
8 Increase taxes, fees, regulations
9 Implement policies meant to reduce the population
🦅🇺🇸 President Trump
“I will destroy the deep state” 💥👆
Graphic Artist & Illustrator - Authorized Minister - US Navy Wife - Former Instructor - US NAVY TAP - CEO - Proud Patriot - #Arkansas
I started posting about Agenda 21 back in 2005 on SM. Put forth the documentation and efforts to educate people and got no where back then. I knew it was going to take something much larger than me to get the info out.
Here we are...
Ego should have no place, in the heart of man! Numquam Cedere -Never Surrender ***5 Year Active Duty Veteran- Operation Desert Fox.
People also do not realize land that has been set aside for Agenda 21 also incorporates underground trafficking tunnels and caves.
They also are full of animals that can be hunted for big game meat.
You are right, I'm heartbroken to say, Charlie.
The sooner Humanity remembers its Divine self
& that ALL life is sacred, the better
& I hope it's very very soon 🦁🐻🐘🦏🐑
We were NEVER MEANT to hunt animals
& children, like the elites, Royals & Rothschilds do,
or eat flesh & & drink blood.
That is the Draco — not Divine Humanity 💞