Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts
Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts
I must say, the amount of people trying to push lies against Tim Ballard and the Sound of Freedom movie, makes me KNOW it must seen by everyone. I think the bullshit narrative of hidden agenda to make money is going to bite you in the ass! The truth will wake up the world! Stop trying to BLOCK THE STORY OF CHILD AND HUMAN TRAFFICKING being exposed! ANYONE WITH EYES TO SEE, AND EARS TO HEAR KNOWS THAT IT IS GOING ON! God Bless, Amen
Only followers of this user (@MrDeeds1111) can see their posts
For me the issue is the film opens the horrific trafficking of children to the majority of people who know nothing about it and could be activated to do something about this. At the same time the film might be used by the traffickers as a ladder up to promoting the chipping of children, making their trafficking easier. Nothing is pure in this fight. That’s why discernment is crucial and very challenging. I can promote the film while warning against chipping, which enables trafficking. I have made it a practice not to idolize anyone. It’s against God’s law to idolize anyone for good reason. Nobody in this movement should seek praise or recognition or give it. Q warned against that too. Thanks for posting the illuminating link.