Yeah, I'm suspicious.
The pope is AN antichrist - him, his title, by definition.
I have a big problem with HIGH-LEVEL truthers (who def should know better!) who remain to be Catholic. (Lay people who are deceived, eh, they don't know any better).
I've given Nino Rodriguez a pass with his catholicism because he's smart but not all that smart. If he's authentic he should get it pretty soon, or so I hope.
JFK's and Jr's catholicism, I can't reconcile it without attributing it to optics and some kind of churchy double agent espionage. Maybe Mel and Jim just aren't awake enough yet to know the catholic church is a blasphemy and not of God?
I think it's a little more excusable with the church (though not much) than their hidden-hand associations.
So...what would be the REAL reason, behind what they're "exposing"????