I was sent here to slay a demon of the deep. The only problem is, that I was sent here in physical form.
Apparently, you white hats want us sick, too. No med beds for us. No gold for us. None of what has already been obtained has been shared with any of us in the general slave population. On and on you go about RV incoming and then you drop "No RV (without declass)" and that would mean you'd have to do that EBS thing. Which is never coming. Admit it.
Gotta hand it to you, though. That Vatican gold was a great heist. But you all could have spared us the pain of broken promises and just told everyone straight up that nobody but those "in the club" were ever going to see a penny of it.
You could have also kept quiet about the med beds. Especially since you knew none of that was going to be for us, either. At least when I die, it'll be an honest exit. 😿
Telegram: Contact @ishjay1960
Know what you are consuming. They want YOU sick!
https://t.me/ishjay1960/39180Yes, medbeds for us!! We need them so much!! That is something about the gold alright!