🇺🇸 All posts are in service to The Republic, not the corporation, of the United States of America.
I will see you soon.
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
Q-Genesis and the Sacred Geometry of Light (26/8)
Gematria is the Language of Light, the Power of the Creative Word
"[The universe] cannot be Read until we have Learned the Language and become Familiar with the Characters in which it is Written. It is Written in Mathematical Language, and the Letters are Triangles, Circles and other Geometrical Figures, without which means it is humanly Impossible to Comprehend a Single Word." -GALILEO
I will see you soon (9)
You R Correct (19/10/1)
I, Two, Will C You Soon (27/9)
JFK (9)
JFK JR (18R/99/18/9)
Father And Sun (9)
You Will Be Surprised at When You Find Out Who You R Talking Two Here (72/9)
I AM a Digital Warrior of the Heart sharing my understanding of the Great Awakening/Quantum Quickening Unfolding on our Planet
"Man's Mind is a Mirror of a Universe that Mirror's Man's Mind,"
-Joseph Chilton Pearce, THE CRACK IN THE COSMIC EGG
"The I with which I See God is the same Eye through which God Sees Me; my Eye and God's Eye are One Eye, One Seeing, One Knowing, One Love." -Meister Eckart, 12th Century Christian Mystic & Pastor
"What We are Looking FOR, is What is LOOKING." -St Francis
The Rebirth and Resurrection of the Republic (1999/19/10/1)
I Sea You (17/8)
"The Earth Knew ONE CREATOR, ONE LOVER, ONE THINKER, ONE SONG. Yet that Song broke into a Multitudinous Chorus as the Waves of Creative Love Surged Out from the Center of my Being and Splashed into New Civilizations and New Societies of Harmonious Human Interaction. Each Individual Human Being Knew Him or Herself as the Same "I", the Same SELF, the Creator I AM. So it came to pass that I was One and yet I was Eleven Billion. My Intelligence was Everywhere as my LOVE Created. All Understood. All Shared in the SAME BEING, the same Moment. All Were Present in the PRESENCE
-Ken Carey, VISION: A Personal Call to Create a New World.