(1 of 2) I'm just gonna throw this out there so see if any anons can confirm. I predict a 3% chance of others confirming, since it happened so fast.
But during the Super Bowl, at the end of the first half, just before the commerical break leading to the halftime schedule, I saw a sCREEN FULL OF TEXT which lasted 1 second or so. The only words on the screen I remember were, "If you're reading this..." and "I can't believe it worked!" There was also the Reddit logo in the upper right hand corner. There were probably 200 more words which I had no time to read.
(2 of 2) After one second, the screen disappeared and the commerical break ensued.
Anyone have any idea what that screen was, or what it said? I know Reddit is now associated with Cabal and Black Hats. I thought maybe it was their effort to override what they thought would be and EAS alert.
That is all I know.