Christian, Patriot, Husband, Father, Defender of Freedoms and Family
Y'all the Military District of Washington is not a new development, its not a plot twist or even remotely interesting. MDW is one of the Army's 19 major commands.
Use some discernment. Question those you've followed blindly from Parler to here when they post misinformation like "DC is now MDW," we don't have time to waste on garbage like this!
The U.S. Army Military District of Washington - Official Homepage
JFHQ-NCR plans, coordinates, maintains situational awareness, and as directed, partners in the employment of forces as a Joint Task Force to conduct..
https://www.mdwhome.mdw.army.mil/But - let's also remember that those that were on Parler that didn't jump off early and find a great platform are just now getting REAL NEWS. I've seen alot of old stuff coming in as well. People are always waking up at different intervals. My sister is one - she didn't jump off.