🌟 SOUND OF FREEDOM also stars, Mira Sorvino.
Mira was among the first women
to accuse Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment
& several directors have admitted
to blacklisting her at Weinstein's request.
LORD OF THE RINGS director Peter Jackson admitted
he was warned not to work with her
because she was 'believed to be difficult.'
Jackson had wanted to cast her in LOTR.
Sorvino said that reading Jackson’s tweet
admitting to blacklisting her & Ashley Judd,
based on Weinstein’s influence was a surprise.
“It was like a thunderbolt. I was like,
‘so it was really this malevolent hand
that changed the course of my life
& my professional horizons.’”
Neither Mira Sorvino nor Ashley Judd
would have sex with Weinstein—so he blacklisted them.
Weinstein was convicted of sexual assault & rape
& is currently serving 39 years in prison.
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Lover of God, my husband & children, parents & siblings! Writer; musician-composer, Family Counselor; Patriot, Thinker who connects dots
Yes!, Mira's dad was such an excellent actor and a wonderful individual. But what REALLY ticked me off about false Hollywood, was when Paul died, they did not even list him as one of the individuals they recognized in Memoriam!
They prop up those who were somehow "bought!" or capitulated to the "Oh Well, that's how things are here in tinsel town!"
Hollywood is the epitome of "user friendly!"
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