Never Forget Why This War Was Started It Is All About Saving The Children
I've been telling people about this and posting it about it on fb for 10 years. I keep telling them. At least the subconscious is hearing it. Preparing them for when it can not be denied.
Here in NC, Tysons, Smithfield and two pork farms in Marland were investigated, shut down for stating their pig were fed "organics." Many human remains (bones) were found in their slop pins.
These NC farms were flooded in 2016/17 hurricane season (Florence & Matthew) creating a pork shortage.
In the Midwest, watching the corn and soy poison us all, really up-close-like now.
It always seemed that a lot of the big brands adopted the "Organic" label PDQ - Pretty Damn Quick. After all, it commands a higher price. Hard to trust them if you knew the earnest organic brands from pre-2000 or so that were not bought out yet.
GOOD FOR YOU spreading this for so many years. Food Warrior, thank you.