Starlink is a centralized monopoly.
If undersea cables are cut and people flock to Starlink, this will shower Musk with money and eliminate other competitors.
How certain are you that he is WH?
If only Starlink exists for global internet, EVERYTHING will travel through it and can be monitored. No one will be able to coordinate beyond a local level safely.
If people became desperate they could cut down cell towers to stop AI tracking. Not so with Starlink. It will be utterly unassailable.
Careful what you wish for.

I'm operating on another plane entirely.
I don't think that Musk's company being named Tesla is incidental.
I also don't think it's coincidence that Musk's fortune came mostly from hijacking the leftist ideology of electric cars.
The only thing about it is, the fascists had no intention of building good ones, so, think about it for a second, it would be absolutely genius for the white hats to hijack their environmental bullshit and take the profits that should have been destined for them.
So, I'm actually thinking, is Elon Musk even an entrepreneur like we think he is, or, is he, like Trump, the face of a military operation.
Coincidence that he has Starlink? I think not.
I wonder if humanity's compensation when the gold is returned will lead us straight into a world we can't imagine, where Starlink is GIVEN to us, not for payment or monopoly as we might imagine.
Elon definitely the face of a MIL operation - Tesla, Starlink, even Twit
( not "the richest man in the world" bs )
I think Tesla cars will be powered by the new free energy tech ✨