This man is such an embarrassment to TN.'
His area of TN, Memphis, is a disaster area, the last time Nana was there it was purely scary!
Much of it looked like a third world nation.
We need fair elections to rid our state and country of ppl like this.

saw this.
cohen showed he is an idiot.
could barely talk. disjointed scentences.
he showed me...he doesnt read anything...seemed he was unprepared and believes what he is told
he is another one that needs to get out

ULTRA-MAGA! Kicked off TWTR same day as DJT & and Gen Flynn. Badge of Honor! Kicked off 9th time & I'm now done ! Trump WILL be back.
Wow ! He's an angry s.o.b. !

I've heard that. I have a friend who lives close. Ended up in Mississippi because had to get away...

The usual MO for dems - personal attacks. What a sick F-er to say such a thing. Thankfully Durham's graceful and professional answer shut him and everyone else UP!

The light is brighter on the other side! You have to learn to Love and Laff! Vet and Old!
One of the worse things that has happened to Memphis and they keep electing him! SMDH

Do they? Or, is he part of the rigged system??

Nana, Direct Internal connection to God, WWG1WWA, MAGA, Angels are here already #FightLikeGodIsBesideYou
He most likely is not really being elected by the people.
Remember the cheating in elections is not just the President!