6-17-23 🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
When Trump did his speech in Bedminster
he coded things about New Hampshire.
Trump said,
“Corruption is UP TO THE GILLS in the Biden Crime Family.”
Mike Gill — DS money laundering.
The “seal” has been broken on Pandora’s Box.
What’s in Pandora’s Box?
The Pandora Papers that came from → Mike Gill.
What was in there?
Stuff about payoffs to various [political crime] families
through the corporations [LLCs.]
The Sec of State of New Hampshire said 'they had 100k
new corporations & that their tax base is + $1 Billion.'
There’s only 700k people in the STATE!
Something’s screwy here.
They’re doing money laundering through NH.
That’s what THE PANDORA PAPERS are all about.
Where's RFK, Jr. doing his Foreign Policy speech?
New Hampshire.
Why New NH? Cuz everyone’s drawing attention to where
the real power location is.
Where’s the real power-state politically
that they’re using for leverage out into a corrupt society?
Right there 💥
18 post(s) found containing "unseal".
Here are two of them with the exact same timestamp:
Dec 17, 2019 5:03:45 PM EST
And the exact same wording:
First indictment [UNSEAL] will trigger mass pop awakening.
First arrest will verify action and confirm future direction.
They will fight but you are ready.
Marker [9].
Mathematically impossible!
There are no coincidences!
💧3716 and 3717