In 2010 -6 different medical professionals diagnosed my Morgellons (MDs, PAs, NPs)
Back then , the NIH website had Morgellons info - supposedly they were going to study it, but they took the page down.
A doctor friend, author of many books, wrote a Morgellons book, but it disappeared
2010 I saved info
Global Research
We May All Have Morgellons Disease and It Is Man Made!
Revelations From A Man Who Helped Design Morgellons Disease
From the website, which I can't find now:
“I began to see there are a lot of components. It is a very complex compound network of pathogens. Organic, inorganic all kinds of things. We have fibres, heavy metals, bacteria, funguses, viruses that seem to be working somehow synergistically. None of them good to the Human.”
— Dr. Gwen Scott also went on to say she believes that another vector of transmission is through vaccines.

Dr Gwen Scott, Naturopathic Doctor/Scientist/Researcher
"CC" states Morgellons is not a disease, but a “complex compound assault on the body” a network of pathogens, organic and inorganic; fibers, fungi, heavy metals, bacteria and viruses; very unusual structures observed under a microscope at submicron level.
These pathogens seem to be working synergistically and are cloaked and genetically altered. Dr Scott also indicates, based on many samples, these pathogens are, with deliberation, entering our bodies through our air and food supply
Morgellons is characterized by painful sores as well as crawling sensations within and under the skin. Fibers and solid materials emerging from the sores are also common. If you have ever known or seen anyone with this condition, it is heart breaking… there is a lot of suffering associated with Morgellons.