A passionate seeker of the TRUTH who definitely was not created 2 fit In I definitely was created 2 stand out"
Dear Starseed,
In this 3D ascending world some very low vibe psychological stances and behaviours are rewarded. One of these is the habitual complaining mentality. This is where complaining becomes blaming and judging. This is an extension of feeling a victim in the world and using complaining as a means of taking back power. The compensation culture has fuelled this behaviour because now the rewards are potentially more substantial. Families and education/working environments where individuals feel they have no voice and no power, become fertile ground for complaining. Compulsive complaining is problem focused and does not allow any space for real solutions. It should be noted that complainers always seek out other complainers for company. Also, that habitual complaining is a rather unpleasant and depressing place to be hanging out in, especially for Starseeds.
Whatever you choose to do or be today I wish you a joyful and miraculous day.
Love Steve 🌟💚🌷🌟💚🌷🌟🌷💚🌟🌷💚🌟🌷🌟