Alabama gal raised in Tennessee worn out from spiritual warfare need reinforcements much rejection 💔Jesus, Rosie my dog r true friends ❤️
My first research was WikiLeaks. I ask someone why they were always talking about pizzagate? She said go look it up . I was a damn mess for 2 weeks I couldn't get back on the internet.in fear of what i might find next . I ask God to reveal the truth Oh my ! did he ,that was 5 years ago I haven't stopped exposing any and all God allowed me to share . I'm grateful for Anon platform I can share freely without a bunch of ignorant bullies telling me I'm crazy . I am. Crazy for the truth#standwithpresidenttrump#standwithwethepeople.🇱🇷🦅❤️💯💪
Me too, I cried for days.