How can I sit quietly and enjoy life when Satan has control over my family. I do not even feel comfortable in around my own family. There must be another family that I belong to, soul family. Where and who are they ? I certainly do not belong here. Its very difficult, living in enemy territory. I do not feel respected, or heeded. I do not belong here, and I wish to find a place where I do belong, with peers, and soul family who accept and respect me. I cannot grow in this environment. I am ready to cut the dead weight and move on as I have no purpose to be here. I have patiently waited to be released from this rock prison. A thick layer of cognitive dissonance separates me from those I love. I am willing to let them go, down the path of destruction, but why put me here just to waste my potential trying to enlighten those I love, when they refuse to listen and be guided towards the light ? What is the point of all of this ? Please, explain what I must do to escape this hell. Lord help.
I look forward to a future where I can learn the truths of the past.
I kind of think we are spread far and wide to be some kind of beacon when things REALLY start to become obvious. I know we joke and make memes, 'please find your nearest conspiracy theorist for more information..' etc etc but one day it may come true. And as much as I detest all this, how hard this life is, I'm not giving up by a long shot. No way am I coming back to be jabbed by woke parents and have to learn all this stuff again lol