How can I sit quietly and enjoy life when Satan has control over my family. I do not even feel comfortable in around my own family. There must be another family that I belong to, soul family. Where and who are they ? I certainly do not belong here. Its very difficult, living in enemy territory. I do not feel respected, or heeded. I do not belong here, and I wish to find a place where I do belong, with peers, and soul family who accept and respect me. I cannot grow in this environment. I am ready to cut the dead weight and move on as I have no purpose to be here. I have patiently waited to be released from this rock prison. A thick layer of cognitive dissonance separates me from those I love. I am willing to let them go, down the path of destruction, but why put me here just to waste my potential trying to enlighten those I love, when they refuse to listen and be guided towards the light ? What is the point of all of this ? Please, explain what I must do to escape this hell. Lord help.
calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump
Dear BM, you can let them go without leaving them, just go about your business that you are lead to do. They obviously know how you feel, why say anything more and burn your energy on the mentally MK ultred. Give yourself some credit and confidence in knowing you are free from the evil that is at your back and you have not yielded to it. You are strong and mentally aware, you deserve all the respect for just that. Rise above it and tether to the best of what God has to give you. Let go of the pain, and cling to what is Good in God
Thank you !! That really helped a lot !! 🙏
calif native, navy brat, Weldon Calif resident, love our Potus, Donald Trump