From Live Free-Holistic Living on Telegram
Anybody tried this?
How to rebuild your teeth that have cavities...
I have been using a similar set of ingredients for a couple weeks now and I have to say my mouth feels more fresh than using regular tooth paste.
Always looking to be a blessing ;)
Great! I like food-grade (3%) peroxide, and baking soda for brushing.
I alternate with coconut oil.
I have researched that Vitamin K2 (mk4 & mk7) have done wonders for cavities, arterial calcium buildup and osteoporosis.
Vitamin K2 (w/ vitamin D3) essentially transports calcium to where it needs to go and leaves it out of soft tissues. Which is why I believe many people are showing improvement with bone issues
Always looking to be a blessing ;)
Thank you, Sherlock Pepe ;)