🇺🇸 Juan O Savin
In the occult, in witchcraft, in sorcery,
the maximum magnification of a spell is 3 times.
So the witch turns 3 times in the circle to get
the maximum magnification of a spell
or a something that they’re doing.
When the people go into the House of Commons in Europe
& they want to go into the bench & present
they knock 3 times on the door,
& the judge pounds the gavel 3 times.
It’s this magic spell magnification.
When you think of 17 here in America
which is the magical number of Osiris is 17,
& you want to see the leverage of this cult into America
their magic,
well what do you call the most magical
top secret secret site in the Continental U.S.?
Area 51
3 X 17 = 51
3 = maximum magnification of the spell, the magic, the control,
17 is their number.
In the Bible the # 17 = TOTAL VICTORY! 🕊️

I don’t know if I mentioned this before but I had a friend called Isha who lived here in Florida. When he lived in a tall apartment in Miami he used to get visited by Plaeidians.. they would tell him when they were coming and he would take out the camera and take pictures of them close up in plain daylight . They were his friends as this was his first life as a human so they were looking out for him he said.