😼 End war → Antarctica Nazis?
📽 Johnny video
Never frozen giant fresh water.. no snow..
Planes disappearing..
attacked by anti-gravity devices & 🛸 saucers..
crashing into invisible barriers.. FORCE FIELD SHIELDS..
“The 3rd WW would be with an adversary from the Polar Regions..
that can fly unobstructed Pole to Pole" [Nazis]
🇺🇸 Gene Decode
They have FREQUENCIES they can change
So if you don’t have the Frequencies keyed up
the D.U.M.B. entrance LOOKS like solid rock
but then they frequency match it
& you can literally go right through it.
They have old facilities that LOOK abandoned
but they use them for ritual abuse, trafficking, etc.
🇺🇸 5-23 Juan O Savin
ANTARCTICA’S in the mix but so is ASTANA/satan—[NWO Nazis]
The Nazis sent 42k women to Antarctica
to support the German Army there in 1942.
There’s no record of them ever having come back.
👇 @ J00ny369T Adm. Byrd S. Pole

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Few days ago was asking about 4 corners of earth...someone spoke up said yes...magnetic corners. Know gravity is fake but told density is what we notice. White in photo is south pole...around continents we know. Also Gene Decode said some time ago KM tried to blast through the dome that covers the earth...what we call Milky way is the scar. Said God healed it up so like a blink, so quickly ... only scar remains to tell their attempt. (Operation High Jump time frame.) This is all I have found so far.
Gene Decode also indicated layers inside where entered...like honey comb believe his wording. North Pole is also magnetic center above.

Pro-Life Christian. Intercessor. Evangelist. Artist. Marine Corps Veteran.
You are speaking the Truth. All will be Revealed Soon.